Supreme is the latest and greatest rank on MineHeroes and is only obtainable through the store. It is an exclusive and prestigious rank with amazing features that everyone will love.
Supreme was released on Friday December 22nd @ 2PM EST
The rank can only be obtained by an upgrade from Ultimate for $100 USD
Supreme is not obtainable through buycraft vouchers, gift cards, platinum keys, giveaways etc.
Features and Bonuses
ALL previous rank features from Hero to Ultimate plus the following:
- [Supreme] rank tag and tab color (BOLD)
- Lucky Roll
- This is an OP new feature where you can access all kits. Each day you will be allowed to unlock a new kit that you do not own. Once the kit is accessed, a cooldown will apply and next time you use Lucky Roll it will skip the kits on cooldown.
- You can access the Lucky Roll Kit from the /kits menu
- RANK IDS - Everyone that unlocks the new rank will have a #number that shows the order in which they bought the rank. This can be toggled with /toggles
- This means that Zenotry is the 4th person to buy the Supreme rank
- Supreme Hall of Fame - /hof supreme
- View a list of ALL players that bought the supreme rank
- This will be broadcasted/alerted to the network to showcase their support
- /prefix command (alias: /rankcolor, /rankprefix)
- Set your rank prefix
- Brand new kit upgrades and new /kits (20+ kits - check below)
- $150,000 & 500 McMMO - /reclaim
- Auction 10 items in Auction House - /ah
- Reduced cooldowns and commands with cooldowns
- /ext - Remove fire when burning
- /feed (name) - Feed a friend
- x2 McMMO Bonus Boost
- 10 PVs on SMP and Skyblock(s). 5 PV's on KitPvP and OPPvP and 2 PV's on Factions Servers - [/pv 1-10]
- 15 Sethomes - /sethome 1-15
- Fly on Factions/OPFactions claims permanently - /fly
- This means you dont have to /vote for fly.
- Ability to create [sell chest] signs on ALL core gamemodes with economy.
- Multiple /back locations (up to 5 times) and /forward
- x2 Mob Bounty Cash Booster
- 25% Bonus Exp Boost - It will stack on top of event Boosters
- /withdraw all - Withdraw all money into a bank note
- /bottle all - Sends all your EXP to an EXP Bottle
- /stats (name) - View other players statistics
- /effects - Access special potion effects
Supreme Kits (There are over 20+ Kits)
/kit supreme
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 4, FireAspect 1)
- Bow (Power 5, Flame 2, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 6, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 6, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 6, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 5, Unbreaking 4)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 5, Unbreaking 4)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 5, Unbreaking 4)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 5, Unbreaking 4)
- 2 x 64 Arrows
- 32 Golden Apples
- 3 x 64 Cobblestone
- 64 Diamonds
- 3 x 64 TnT
- 3 x 64 Obsidian
- 64 Cooked Pork
- Bottle of 5000 EXP
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 2)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- 32 Emeralds
- 32 Diamonds
- 32 Gold Ingots
- 32 Iron Ingots
- 64 Coal
- 64 Redstone
- 64 Cooked Pork
- 64 Log
- 2 x 64 Cobblestone
- 64 Torches
- Bottle of 1000 EXP
- 2 x Diamond Sword (Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 4, FireAspect 2, Looting 4)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 4, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3)
- 2 x Diamond Helmet (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- 2 x Diamond Chestplate (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- 2 x Diamond Leggings (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- 2 x Diamond Boots (Protection 4, Unbreaking 3)
- 3 Enchanted Apples
- 64 Golden Apples
- 4 Speed 2 Potions (1:30 min)
- 4 Strength 2 Potions (1:30 min)
- 9 Instant Health 2 Potions
- 9 Soup
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 2, Silktouch 1)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 3, Unbreaking 2)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 3, Unbreaking 2)
- Shear (Silktouch 1)
- 64 Sponge
- 64 Wet Sponge
- 2 x 64 Sand
- 2 x 64 Sandstone
4 x 64 Obsidian - 3 x 64 Stone
- 4 Waterbuckets
- 8 Iron Buckets
- 64 Slab
- 5 Random Common Enchants
- 4 Random Rare Enchants
- 3 Random Legendary Enchants
/kit supreme
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 40)
- Bow (Power 10, Flame 10)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5)
- 10 Diamond Helmet (Protection 20)
- 10 Diamond Chestplate (Protection 20)
- 10 Diamond Leggings (Protection 20)
- 10 Diamond Boots (Protection 20)
- 2 x 64 Arrows
- 64 Enchanted Apples
- 3 x 64 Cobblestone
- 16 Diamond Blocks
- 3 x 64 TnT
- 3 x 64 Obsidian
- 3 x 64 Bedrock
- 64 Cooked Pork
- Bottle of 5000 EXP
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 35)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 8, Unbreaking 5, Fortune 7)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 8, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 8, Unbreaking 5)
- 10 Diamond Helmet (Protection 15)
- 10 Diamond Chestplate (Protection 15)
- 10 Diamond Leggings (Protection 15)
- 10 Diamond Boots (Protection 15)
- 5 Emerald Blocks
- 5 Diamond Blocks
- 5 Iron Blocks
- 5 Gold Blocks
- 10 Redstone Blocks
- 10 Lapis Blocks
- 10 Coal Blocks
- 64 Apples
- 64 Cooked Pork
- 64 Melon
- 64 Log
- 2 x 64 Cobblestone
- 64 Torches
- Bottle of 2500 EXP
- 64 Enchanted Apples
- 2 x Diamond Sword (Sharpness 35, FireAspect 3, Looting 15)
- Diamond Axe (Sharpness 35, Looting 15)
- 2 x 10 Diamond Helmet (Protection 15)
- 2 x 10 Diamond Chestplate (Protection 15)
- 2 x 10 Diamond Leggings (Protection 15)
- 2 x 10 Diamond Boots (Protection 15)
- 64 Enchanted Apples
- Fire Resistance Potion (8:00 min)
- 4 Speed 2 Potions (1:30 min)
- 4 Strength 2 Potions (1:30 min)
- 9 Instant Health 2 Potions
- 9 Soup
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5, Fortune 7)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5, Silktouch 1)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 10, Unbreaking 5)
- Shear (Silktouch 1)
- 64 Sponge
- 64 Wet Sponge
- 2 x 64 Sand
- 2 x 64 Sandstone
- 4 x 64 Obsidian
- 4 x 64 Bedrock
- 4 x 64 Stone
- 4 Waterbuckets
- 8 Iron Buckets
- 64 Slab
- 5 Random Common Enchants
- 4 Random Rare Enchants
- 3 Random Legendary Enchants
/kit supreme
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 6, FireAspect 2, Looting 5)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 5)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 5, Thorns 2)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 5)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 5, FeatherFalling 3)
- Bottle of 3000 EXP
- 32 Coal Blocks
- 32 Redstone Blocks
- 24 Iron Blocks
- 16 Diamond Blocks
- 16 Emerald Blocks
- 3 x 64 Grass
- 64 Sand
- 2 x 64 Cobblestone
- 2 x 64 Stone
- 2 x 64 StoneBricks
- 64 Steak
- 64 Coal Blocks (2 x 64 Coal Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- 64 Redstone Blocks (2 x 64 Redstone Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- 32 Iron Blocks (2 x 64 Iron Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- 32 Gold Blocks (2 x 64 Gold Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- 24 Diamond Blocks (2 x 64 Diamond Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- 24 Emerald Blocks (2 x 64 Emerald Blocks on OPSkyBlock)
- Bottle of 1500 EXP
- 3 x 64 Stone
- 2 x 64 StoneBricks
- 3 x 64 Cobblestone
- 2 x 64 Glowstone
- 64 Oak Logs
- 64 Spruce Logs
- 64 Birch Logs
- 64 Jungle Logs
- 64 Quartz Block
- 64 Torches
- 2 x 64 Glass
- 4 x 64 Glass
- 4 x 64 Hardened Clay
- 4 x 64 Wool
- 2 x 64 Logs
- 4 x 64 Stonebricks
- 2 x 64 Quartz Block
- 2 x 64 Sandstone
- 2 x 64 Netherbrick
- 2 x 64 Prismarine
- 2 x 64 Dark Prismarine
- 64 Sea Lantern
- 64 Redstonelamp
- 64 Glowstone
- 5 Random Common Enchants
- 4 Random Rare Enchants
- 3 Random Legendary Enchants
/kit supreme
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 6, FireAspect 2, Looting 5)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 6, Fortune 5, Unbreaking 5)
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 5)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 5, Thorns 2)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 5)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 5, FeatherFalling 3)
- 32 Golden Apples
- 5 Emerald Blocks
- 6 Gold Blocks
- 6 Iron Blocks
- 64 Coal Blocks
- 64 Coal Blocks
- 1 Cake
- 5 Diamond Blocks
- Bottle of 5000 EXP
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Fortune 3)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency 4, Fortune 4)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 4)
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 4)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 4)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 4)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 4)
- 64 Torches
- 64 Steak
- 32 Golden Apples
- 16 Enderpearls
- Bottle of 2500 EXP
- 64 Oak Log
- 64 Bruce Log
- 64 Birch Log
- 2 x 64 Stone
- 2 x 64 StoneBricks
- 64 SnowBlocks
- 64 Glowstone
- 64 Sea Lantern
- 5 Emerald Blocks
- 5 Diamond Blocks
- 8 Redstone Blocks
- 8 Iron Blocks
- 8 Gold Blocks
- 10 Coal Blocks
- 10 Lapis Blocks
- 64 Torches
- Bottle of 1500 EXP
- 4 x 64 Glass
- 4 x 64 Hardened Clay
- 4 x 64 Wool
- 2 x 64 Logs
- 4 x 64 Stonebricks
- 2 x 64 Quartz Block
- 2 x 64 Sandstone
- 2 x 64 Netherbrick
- 2 x 64 Prismarine
- 2 x 64 Dark Prismarine
- 64 Sea Lantern
- 64 Redstonelamp
- 64 Glowstone
- 5 Random Common Enchants
- 4 Random Rare Enchants
- 3 Random Legendary Enchants
/kit supreme
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 5, FireAspect 3)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 15, Sharpness 7)
- 64 TnT
- 32 Enchanted Golden Apple
- Diamond Helmet (Protection 6, Unbreaking:6)
- Diamond Chestplate (Protection 6, Unbreaking:6)
- Diamond Leggings (Protection 6, Unbreaking:6)
- Diamond Boots (Protection 6, Unbreaking:6)
- Bottle of 10,000 EXP
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 200, Unbreaking 200, Fortune 200)
/kit supreme
- 24 Enderpearls
- $100 Banknote
- Bottle of 1500 EXP
- 12 Golden Apples
- 32 Soup
/kit supreme
- 24 Enderpearls
- $100 Banknote
- Bottle of 1500 EXP
- 12 Golden Apples
- 32 Soup
- [Supreme] rank tag and tab color (BOLD)
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM