This rank applies to all servers and never expires. The Legend rank has the following features and bonuses:
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- 50 friend slots!
- /pets - Select a pet from the pet menu!
- Slime
- Horse
- Cave Spider
- Blaze
- /particles - Select a particle effect from the particles menu!
- Green Thumb
- Hearts
- Water
- Fire
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah!
- Bulk Buy - Buy in bulk from /shop!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /warp xp - Access the private XP grinder for ranked players!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /tntfill [amount] [radius] - Fill nearby dispensers with TNT from your inventory!
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /clearname - Remove the names/lore from tools/armor!
- /pv 1 - Access a virtual private double chest to store your items!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 2)
- 1x [Legend Bow] - Bow (Power 3, Flame 1, Unbreaking 2)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 3)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 3, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 2)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 2)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 3, Unbreaking 1)
- 64x Arrow
- 8x Golden Apple
- 128x Cobblestone
- 25x Diamond
- 96x TNT
- 128x Obsidian
- 32x Cooked Porkchop
- 1000 EXP
- /kit legenddaily - Receive the exclusive daily Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 3)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 2, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 2)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 2)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 1)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 1)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Iron Boots (Protection 1, Unbreaking 1)
- 5x Emerald
- 7x Diamond
- 12x Gold Ingot
- 15x Iron Ingot
- 20x Coal
- 25x Redstone
- 12x Cooked Porkchop
- 32x Oak Wood
- 64x Cobblestone
- 32x Torch
- 500 EXP
- /kit archer - Receive access to the Archer kit!
- 1x [Archer Bow] - Bow (Power 2, Punch 3, Flame 1)
- 1x [Archer Helmet] - Chain Helmet (Protection 2)
- 1x [Archer Chestplate] - Chain Chestplate (Protection 2)
- 1x [Archer Leggings] - Chain Leggings (Protection 2)
- 1x [Archer Boots] - Chain Boots (Protection 2)
- 64x Arrow
- 5x Potion of Swiftness (Speed 2 (1:30))
- 5x Potion of Healing (Instant Health 2)
- 2x Splash Potion of Healing (Instant Health 2)
- 4x Golden Apple
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits for purchasing a rank!
- $40,000
- 200 McMMO Credits
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah!
- Bulk Buy - Buy in bulk from /shop!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /warp xp - Access the private XP grinder for ranked players!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /tntfill [amount] [radius] - Fill nearby dispensers with TNT from your inventory!
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /clearname - Remove the names/lore from tools/armor!
- /pv 1 - Access a virtual private double chest to store your items!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 34)
- 1x [Legend Bow] - Bow (Power 6, Flame 6)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 7, Unbreaking 3)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 7, Unbreaking 3)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 7, Unbreaking 3)
- 5x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 13)
- 5x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 13)
- 5x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 13)
- 5x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 13)
- 128x Arrow
- 48x Enchanted Golden Apple
- 128x Cobblestone
- 16x Diamond
- 64x TNT
- 64x Obsidian
- 48x Bedrock
- 16x Cooked Porkchop
- 1000 EXP
- /kit legenddaily - Receive the exclusive daily Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 30)
- 1x [Legend Bow] - Bow (Power 5, Flame 5)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 5)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 6)
- 5x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 9)
- 5x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 9)
- 5x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 9)
- 5x [Legend Boots] - Iron Boots (Protection 9)
- 4x Emerald
- 16x Coal
- 7x Diamond
- 2x Block of Iron
- 3x Block of Redstone
- 6x Apple
- 32x Cooked Porkchop
- 16x Melon
- 875 EXP
- 64x Torch
- 32x Enchanted Golden Apple
- /kit archer - Receive access to the Archer kit!
- 1x [Archer Bow] - Bow (Power 7, Punch 4, Flame 7)
- 5x [Archer Helmet] - Chain Helmet (Protection 15)
- 5x [Archer Chestplate] - Chain Chestplate (Protection 15)
- 5x [Archer Leggings] - Chain Leggings (Protection 15)
- 5x [Archer Boots] - Chain Boots (Protection 15)
- 1x [Archer Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 25, Fire Aspect 2)
- 64x Arrow
- 5x Potion of Swiftness (Speed 2 (1:30))
- 5x Potion of Healing (Instant Health 2)
- 2x Splash Potion of Healing (Instant Health 2)
- 32x Enchanted Golden Apple
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits for purchasing a rank!
- $400,000
- 200 McMMO Credits
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah!
- Set 4 Homes - Set 4 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Own 4 plots - Claim 4 plots in the plots world!
- Rose Garden Mine Theme - Use the rose garden theme for your personal mine!
- Poseidon Mine Theme - Use the poseidon theme for your personal mine!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /plot merge - Merge your plots!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger bar!
- /heal - Replenish your health bar!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 18, Unbreaking 15, Fire Aspect 20)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 55, Sharpness 18)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 20, Unbreaking 20)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 20, Unbreaking 20)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 20, Unbreaking 20)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 20, Unbreaking 20)
- 24x TNT
- 10x Golden Apple
- /kit legendpick - Receive the exclusive Legend rank pickaxe!
- 1x ¦ Legend Pick ¦ - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 125, Unbreaking 125, Fortune 125)
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $40,000,000
- 62,500 Enchant-Coins
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah.
- Bulk Buy - Buy in bulk from /shop!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Create Lift Signs - Put [lift up] and [lift down] on the second line of signs to create lifts!
- Change Spawners - Change the mobs spawned by spawners!
- Pig, Sheep, Cow, Zombie, Chicken, Skeleton, Mooshroom, Wolf, Spider, Cave Spider, Ocelot, Squid, Blaze, Magma Cube, Horse, Rabbit, Silverfish, Creeper, Witch, Villager, Endermite
- Own a Plot - Claim a plot in the plots world!
- 20 Bonus Faction Power - Have a total of 40 faction power!
- Set 4 Player Warps - Set 3 additional player warps!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /warp xp - Access the private XP grinder for ranked players!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger bar!
- /heal - Replenish your health bar!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /fly - Receive the ability to fly!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4, Looting 3)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 3, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 3, Feather Falling 1)
- 10x Golden Apple
- 1250 EXP
- 28x Steak
- 1x Cake
- 1x Block of Redstone
- 2x Block of Iron
- 2x Block of Gold
- /kit supporter - Receive access to the Supporter kit!
- 1x Diamond Sword
- 1x Iron Pickaxe (Efficiency 2)
- 1x Iron Axe (Efficiency 1)
- 1x Iron Shovel (Efficiency 1)
- 64x Torch
- 12x Steak
- 3x Golden Apple
- 8x Ender Pearl
- 500 EXP
- /kit builder - Receive access to the Builder kit!
- 24x Steak
- 24x Cooked Chicken
- 16x Cooked Porkchop
- 4x Melon
- 2x Cake
- 32x Oak Wood
- 64x Spruce Wood
- 64x Stone
- 64x Cobblestone
- 64x Snow
- 32x Glowstone
- 1x Block of Diamond
- 1x Block of Redstone
- 2x Block of Iron
- 2x Block of Gold
- 1x Block of Coal
- 64x Torch
- 750 EXP
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $40,000
- 200 McMMO Credits
SkyBlock (1 & 2)
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah.
- Bulk Buy - Buy in bulk from /shop!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Create Lift Signs - Put [lift up] and [lift down] on the second line of signs to create lifts!
- Change Spawners - Change the mobs spawned by spawners!
- Pig, Sheep, Cow, Zombie, Chicken, Skeleton, Mooshroom, Wolf, Spider, Cave Spider, Ocelot, Squid, Blaze, Magma Cube, Horse, Rabbit, Silverfish, Creeper, Witch, Villager, Endermite
- Thora Jungle Island Theme - Choose the thora jungle theme for your starter island!
- Shiren Forest Island Theme - Choose the shiren forest theme for your starter island!
- 9 Island Members - Have up to 9 players on your island team!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /warp xp - Access the private XP grinder for ranked players!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger bar!
- /heal - Replenish your health bar!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /fly - Receive the ability to fly!
- /butcher [radius] - Kill nearby mobs!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4, Looting 3)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 3, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 3, Feather Falling 1)
- 1250 EXP
- 96x Dirt
- 48x Grass Block
- 32x Sand
- 16x Block of Coal
- 12x Block of Redstone
- 9x Block of Iron
- 30x Diamond
- 128x Cobblestone
- 128x Stone
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $40,000
- 200 McMMO Credits
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah.
- Bulk Buy - Buy in bulk from /shop!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Create Lift Signs - Put [lift up] and [lift down] on the second line of signs to create lifts!
- Change Spawners - Change the mobs spawned by spawners!
- Pig, Sheep, Cow, Zombie, Chicken, Skeleton, Mooshroom, Wolf, Spider, Cave Spider, Ocelot, Squid, Blaze, Magma Cube, Horse, Rabbit, Silverfish, Creeper, Witch, Villager, Endermite
- Thora Jungle Island Theme - Choose the thora jungle theme for your starter island!
- Enders Paradise Island Theme - Choose the enders paradise theme for your starter island!
- Shiren Forest Island Theme - Choose the shiren forest theme for your starter island!
- 9 Island Members - Have up to 9 players on your island team!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /warp xp - Access the private XP grinder for ranked players!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /workbench - Access a crafting table from any location!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /feed - Replenish your hunger bar!
- /heal - Replenish your health bar!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /fly - Receive the ability to fly!
- /butcher [radius] - Kill nearby mobs!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 1x [Legend Sword] - Diamond Sword (Sharpness 4, Looting 3)
- 1x [Legend Pickaxe] - Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Axe] - Diamond Axe (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Shovel] - Diamond Shovel (Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3)
- 1x [Legend Helmet] - Diamond Helmet (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Chestplate] - Diamond Chestplate (Protection 3, Unbreaking 1)
- 1x [Legend Leggings] - Diamond Leggings (Protection 3)
- 1x [Legend Boots] - Diamond Boots (Protection 3, Feather Falling 1)
- 1250 EXP
- 96x Dirt
- 48x Grass Block
- 32x Sand
- 64x Block of Coal
- 64x Block of Redstone
- 64x Block of Iron
- 48x Block of Diamond
- 128x Cobblestone
- 128x Stone
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $400,000
- 200 McMMO Credits
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- Reserved VIP Slot - Join full Servers!
- 50 friend slots!
- Set 5 Homes - Set 5 home locations!
- /sethome [name] - Set a home.
- /delhome [name] - Delete a home.
- Create Lift Signs - Put [lift up] and [lift down] on the second line of signs to create lifts!
- 5 VIP Plots - Claim 5 plots in the VIP world!
- WorldEdit Access - Use WorldEdit without needing to vote!
- /pets - Select a pet from the pet menu!
- Slime
- Horse
- Cave Spider
- Blaze
- /particles - Select a particle effect from the particles menu!
- Green Thumb
- Hearts
- Water
- Fire
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /back - Teleport to your previous location!
- /tptoggle - Disable/enable incoming teleportation requests!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /hat - Wear a block as a hat!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah!
- Set a Home - Set a home location!
- /sethome - Set your home.
- /delhome - Delete your home.
- 1.5x Cash Multiplier - Receive 1.5x cash from kills!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /tpa [player] - Request to teleport to a player!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /pot - Stack potions into stacks of 4!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 6x Ender Pearl
- 1x Golden Apple
- 8x Mushroom Stew
- /kit pots - Receive access to the Potions kit!
- 1x Splash Potion of Healing (Instant Health 2)
- 1x Splash Potion of Regeneration (Regeneration (1:30))
- 1x Splash Potion of Swiftness (Speed 2 (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Harming (Instant Damage)
- 1x Splash Potion of Weakness (Weakness (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Slowness (Slowness (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Poison (Poison (0:33))
- 1x Milk
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $750
- [Legend] rank tag and tab color!
- 50 friend slots!
- Auction 5 Items - Put 5 items up for auction in /ah!
- Set a Home - Set a home location!
- /sethome - Set your home.
- /delhome - Delete your home.
- 1.5x Cash Multiplier - Receive 1.5x cash from kills!
- Keep EXP on Death - Don’t lose your EXP when you die!
- /ptime [time] - Set your personal time!
- /pweather [weather] - Set your personal weather!
- /recipe [item] - View the crafting recipe of an item!
- /tpa [player] - Request to teleport to a player!
- /enderchest - Open your ender chest from any location!
- /nick [nickname] - Set a custom nickname for yourself with colors!
- View color codes here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
- E.g. “/nick &bMine&6Heroes” (displays as MineHeroes)
- /pot - Stack potions into stacks of 4!
- /near - View nearby players!
- /pv 1, 2 - Access virtual private double chests to store your items!
- /fix hand - Repair the item in your hand!
- /setcolor - Set a global chat color!
- /kit legend - Receive the exclusive Legend rank kit!
- 10x Ender Pearl
- 4x Golden Apple
- 27x Mushroom Stew
- 600 EXP
- $40
- /kit pots - Receive access to the Potions kit!
- 1x Splash Potion of Swiftness (Speed (2:15))
- 1x Splash Potion of Swiftness (Speed 2 (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Regeneration (Regeneration (0:33))
- 1x Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (Fire Resistance (2:15))
- 1x Splash Potion of Poison (Poison (0:33))
- 1x Splash Potion of Weakness (Weakness (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Slowness (Slowness (1:07))
- 1x Splash Potion of Harming (Instant Damage)
- 1x Milk
- /reclaim - Reclaim your benefits from purchasing a rank!
- $750
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM