- Gyra Rank and Tag on ALL Servers forever!
- Above head, on tab and in chat and on the forums
- Reserved slot - Join when the server is full
- Don't get kicked for AFK
- 20 Friends Slot Limit
- /friends add (name)
- Chicken Pet
- Ocelot Pet
- /sell hand - Sell an item in your hand to the server shop quickly
- /sell all - Sell ALL items in your inventory to the server shop quickly
- /recipe (item) - Browse in-game crafting recipe of an item/block
- /craft - Virtual crafting bench
- /bin - GUI rubbish bin to dispose items
- /ptime (time) - Set time of day visible to you
- /pweather (weather) - Set the weather visible to you
- /book - Unlock a signed book you are holding to re-edit it
- /firework - Change firework you are holding
- /getpos - Get the coordinates of your location
- /near - See who is nearby (50 block radius)
- /tptoggle - Disable teleport requests from other players
- Show off names/lore and enchants of items you're holding in chat with [item]. Players can view the details on hover.
- /pet chicken - Activate chicken pet
- /pet ocelot - Activate ocelot pet
- /hat - Put a block you are holding on your head
- /fly - Toggle fly mode on Hubs
- /autosmelt - Ores smelt automatically without needing to use a furnace
Suggest features at - Gyra Rank and Tag on ALL Servers forever!
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM