LAST MAP for Factions Mars - Dec. 5th -> Dec. 19th
CURRENT MAP for Factions Krypton - Feb. 6 -> Feb. 13
Minecraft version: 1.8 (1.7 to LATEST clients can join but gameplay is based off of 1.8)
Official Mineheroes Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/hgRbNdX
Factions Mars Map #46 Information /server mars
- 2 Second Cannons
- 16 Hour Shields
- Auto Cannons are Allowed
- 20 Chunk Buffers
- 1 Chunk Ocean
- Max Base Size: 10x10 (You're allowed to have your base up to a maximum of 3 chunks off of the border). Bypassing this will result in an immediate disqualification.
- 25 man roster
- 20 faction size
- APs or Anti-Patches ARE allowed
- 6 Raiding worlds - All 6k x 6k world size (-3000 to +3000)
- 32 Wall Cannon Boxes
- No shooting limit
- Cannons must have less than 4k dispensers
- Printer enabled
- Cane economy
- Left shooting into bases is not allowed
- 5 days grace, 9 days of TNT
Factions Krypton Map #7 Information /server krypton
- 3 Second Cannons
- 18 Hour Shields
- Auto Cannons Allowed
- APs or Anti-Patches ARE allowed
- 24 Wall Cannon Boxes
- 10 man roster
- 5 faction size
- 15 Chunk Buffers
- 1 Chunk Ocean
- 6 Raiding Worlds - All 5k x 5k world size (-2500 to 2500)
- No Shooting Limit
- Printer enabled
- Cane economy
- Max Base Size: 6x6 (You're allowed to have your base up to a maximum of 4 chunks off of the border, therefore the maximum corner buffer size is 30x30). Bypassing this will result in an immediate disqualification.
- Left Shooting into bases is NOT allowed.
- Account sharing will be entirely blocked.
- 3 days grace, 4 days of TNT (1 week Map)
The F-TOP Prizes will be paid out at the end of the TNT period! There is a total of 1 payout on Factions Mars.
The payout amounts are:
- 1st Place: $250 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 250 Buycraft Credits
- 2nd Place: $150 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 100 Buycraft Credits
- 3rd Place: $100 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 50 Buycraft Credits
Winners will be determined at the end of the TNT period at 4 PM EST.
Type /f setpaypal <email address> and make sure your faction's PayPal email is setup before the F-TOP prizes are distributed.
F-TOP Rewards (Factions Krypton - Map 7)
There will be 1 PAYOUT.
The prize amounts are:
- 1st Place: $200 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 250 Buycraft Credits
- 2nd Place: $75 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 100 Buycraft Credits
- 3rd Place: $25 Cash to the Faction PayPal Email + 50 Buycraft Credits
Winners will be determined on Saturday at 4 PM EST (9 days after grace ends).
F Cane Top Rewards (Factions Mars)
This will be rewarded to the top 3 players shown on /canetop at the end of grace period.
- 1st Place: $25 BuyCraft Voucher + CaneGod tag
- 2nd Place: $10 BuyCraft Voucher
- 3rd Place: $5 BuyCraft Voucher
You will receive it through /bcredits which you can redeem to spend on the server store
F Cane Top Rewards (Factions Krypton - Map 7)
This will be rewarded to the top player shown on /canetop at the end of grace period.
- 1st Place: $15 BuyCraft Voucher + CaneGod tag
You will receive it through /bcredits which you can redeem to spend on the server store
CANNONING LIMITS- Left and Right Shooting into bases is NOT allowed on Mars and Krypton. You may use it to adjust inside your raid claims/counter claims to counter boxes. (Instant Disqualification)
- Reversing is allowed. Rev-nukes are allowed. However, you may NOT have a rev on a 255 nuke or pseudo. (3 Warning Points or Instant Disqualification depending on abuse of said cannon)
- Cannons / Lag Machines that are used to intentionally lag the server are NOT ALLOWED. (2 Warning Points)
- Cannons that fire in more than 1 spot at the same time are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Wall Removers are NOT allowed. Using APs as a form of wall removing is NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Cannons that shoot multiple walls in one shot are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Horizontal nukes are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Push Nukes / Overstackers are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Cannons that auto-adjust are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Worm technology is NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- U-Fusions / External Barrels are NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Counter cannons may not have anti-patch on them. (Warning Points or Instant Disqualification depending on severity)
BASE LIMITS- Redstone Checkboxes are NOT allowed. (3 Warning Points and removal of box. Depending on severity may be an Instant Disqualification)
- Factions are allowed a maximum buffer size of 20 chunks on Faction Mars and 15 chunks on Factions Krypton.
- Factions are allowed a maximum base size of 10x10 on Factions Mars. (Maximum of 3 chunks off the border) Factions are allowed a maximum base size of 6x6 on Factions Krypton. (Maximum of 4 chunks off the border) It will lead to an immediate disqualification if caught bypassing.
- Building a base next to another faction is NOT allowed. (Doing so will result in the faction with lesser value and/or lesser time being disbanded and the base being world edited out.)
- Extending buffers is NOT allowed. (1 warning point + extra land unclaimed)
- Factions may only have 1 counter per side of their base. If caught breaking this rule, we will give 1 warning point for every extra counter + extra points per day if not removed.
- Factions must follow the ocean size limit for the map. It is currently 1 chunk for both realms.
- Factions may not have any anti-nuke walls. (Finnsters)
- Factions must have their base floor at Y:200 or lower.
- Factions must water the roof of their base. (1 Warning Point)
- A minimum of 60 walls is required to qualify for F-TOP.
- A base must be at least 2x2 chunks (32x32 blocks) in size in order to qualify for F-TOP.
- Placing boxes around spawners is NOT allowed. All spawners MUST be accessible with the exception of Blaze, Zombies and Skeleton spawners. (2 Warning Points and the box will be removed)
- All spawners of value MUST be put in one single base (Silverfish, Zombie Pigmen, Creeper, Etc.)
- Hiding worth is STRICTLY disallowed. (Spreading spawners within your buffer, rev layers, between walls or wilderness will result in an instant disqualification)
- Moving bases after being raided is NOT allowed. (However, you ARE allowed to move after F-TOP payout is taken for the week)
- Spreading value out randomly across the roof is NOT allowed, spawners MUST consist of AT LEAST 5 block pillars, they must be in a grinder and close enough together to be easily raidable, this means you cannot simply spread them out across the roof in large gaps. (This will result in a DQ)
- Mining or using creepers/TNT/any other method to blow up or remove all of your wealth in any way to gain an advantage will result in an instant DQ.
- You are NOT allowed to have more than 1 corner (Corner will be unclaimed, if you continue to claim more than 1 you will be issued 1 warning point and a temp ban)
RAIDING/DEFENDING LIMITS- Spawning bosses during raids is NOT allowed. (3-day temp ban will be issued to player who spawned it) + (1 Warning Point)
- Printer and gen patching your base/Cannon box while being raided is NOT allowed. (If caught doing multiple times in 1 raid, 1 Warning Point will be issued) (This includes sand bots) (This only applies to cannons that trigger the raid timer or gen bucket timer)
- You must wait 30 minutes after a faction's last shot to fire at a base. (If a message is sent to your faction it is not safe to shoot) (3 Warning Points)
- Multiple factions are NOT allowed to fire at a base at the same time. (The faction who started firing AFTER the other faction will be warned, if it continues it will result in a DQ)
- You MUST use raid claims by typing /f raid claim to build a Cannon box. If you are making a new box, you must unclaim the old one and destroy the cannon. (2 Warning Points)
- Any form of wilderness patching / extending buffers on your base or Cannon box is NOT allowed. (1 Warning Point)
- You may only fire at a base from 1 side during a raid. (Instant Disqualification)
- Allying while raiding/being raided is strictly PROHIBITED. (EX. Faction 1 teleports Faction 2 to Raid/Defend against Faction 3. Bypassing roster limit with f alts etc. (This is an example, any raiding to faction 3 to help faction 1 is disallowed). 3 Warning Points to BOTH factions)
- Countering with multiple cannons is NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualifiation)
- Blocking counters in front of a base with claims or placing blocks in wilderness/claims (a pillar/wall) to block adjusting is NOT allowed (3 Warning Points)
- You are only allowed 1 Cannon per raid claim / counter claim. (2 Warning Points)
- Countering from behind is NOT allowed. Counter claims may be shot at from any side. (Instant Disqualification)
- Cannon boxes must have a maximum of 32 walls on Factions Mars and 24 walls on Factions Krypton. (2 Warning Points)
- Cannon boxes may NOT have an ocean. This includes having 2 or more block gaps between walls. (2 Warning Points)
- Using counter claims to raid or shoot into bases is NOT allowed.
- Factions must wait 5 minutes after their last TNT shot before beginning to use a different counter Cannon. For example, if you are buffer countering and want to switch to a Cannon inside a counter claim, you must wait 5 minutes. (2 Warning Points)
- Patching with blocks that are unbreakable is NOT allowed. (Instant Disqualification)
- Floating your Cannon in wilderness is NOT allowed. (2 Warning Points)
- Interfering with raids will result in 3 warning points. This includes the following, however depending on what you do, it is at the staff's discretion on whether or not we will warn you.
- Countering another faction's raid claim who is actively raiding / setting up on another faction
- Standing in a raid claim simply to block players from patching their Cannon box.
- Intentionally disabling a player's fly in their Cannon box, so they cannot fly/patch/adjust quickly
- Trying to kill members of the raiding faction on their Cannon box
- Factions may not adjust outside of their raid or counter claims. (This means you may not adjust in wilderness or regular claimed faction land)
- You are only allowed to counter from the same side you are being raided from (This means you cannot left shoot to counter someone, Only adjust)
- Putting your Cannon behind a base to give yourself extra walls to raid someone is not allowed. (Instant Disqualification if caught to be intentional)
- Cannon boxes may not have walls that are more than 1 block thick. (1 Warning Point)
- All counter claims must be at least your base size + 4 chunks away from the border. All counter claims must be 5 chunks away from the end of your faction's buffer.
- You are not allowed to patch outside of your buffer. (1 Warning Point)
- Mining/blowing up spawners in ANY way while being raided is NOT allowed.
- Using a sand tool on a Cannon's shot is NOT allowed. Temp Ban for the offender and 2 Warning Points for the faction.
- You are not allowed to AFK within raid / counter claims. You will be sent to spawn or kicked from the server.
- Abusing f shield in any way will result in a DQ on the spot (EX: Using an alt fac with shield to protect your base or Cannon box)
- Raid alerts/TNT Detectors are NOT allowed (Wall reminder bots ARE allowed)
- You are NOT allowed to claim to check your buffers (Claims will be unclaimed, if caught doing twice 1 Warning Point)
- You may NOT use claims for the purpose of obstruction. For example, you may not put a 1x1 claim on unused Cannon boxes. You are allowed claims near enemy Cannon boxes for the purpose of setting a warp, however these claims should be removed as soon as possible. (1 Warning Point)
- Buffer countering while on shield is NOT allowed. (4 Warning Points)
- You may not be on a faction's walls while they are on their grace period after a raid has ended. Check their grace timer by using /f who (1 Warning Point)
GENERAL- Inappropriate factions names/titles are NOT allowed.
- Teaming during the Last Man Standing event is NOT allowed.
- Allying during PvP is NOT allowed. Video Proof may be required. (3 Warning Points)
- Using any type of hacked client is NOT allowed.
- TP Trapping is allowed.
- Scamming is allowed, however real life trading scamming is NOT allowed. (Real life scamming will result in a permanent ban)
- Console clients ARE allowed (Scripting with them is not allowed with the exception of reconnect scripts, any accounts caught scripting will be banned.)
- Insiding is strictly PROHIBITED. (Doing anything malicious towards your own faction for your personal gain or another factions gain, Faction leaders abusing f perms included) doing so will result in at least a 2 week ban)
- Knowingly playing with a blacklisted player WILL result in your factions being DQ’d or warned. (Depending on the severity of the case/Admin discretion)
- Wealth splitting with any faction is NOT allowed. (Merging Is allowed, but the faction merging into the other faction MUST be disbanded)
- Sharing TNT with other factions is NOT allowed. (Will result in a DQ to BOTH factions)
- You are NOT allowed to have an alt in another faction, you must stick to one faction (If found alt will be kicked, if re-invited a 2 day temp ban will be issued)
- Factions may only have one trap claim near warzone, and it may be 6x6 chunks maximum.
- Using an alt faction to gain worth is NOT allowed. (This will result in the alt faction being disbanded and the faction being DQ’d)
- Sharing wealth with other factions is NOT allowed.
- Selling anything that could change the outcome of /f top for PayPal is disallowed.
- Hiding any value will result in a disqualification from F-TOP.
- Factions may not have more than 1 billion balance across the faction roster and the faction bank.
- Factions have 24 hours to place spawners after receiving them.
- Factions must have a minimum of 500m on /f top at the time payout winners are decided to qualify for payout.
- If your faction reaches 8 warning points you WILL be disqualified for the week.
**Rules are subjected to change at any time**
**Must Read for New/Returning Players below (Expand the Spoiler)**
- Fortified Walls - This plugin was made to enforce the Cannon speed limit.
- Creeper Eggable Blocks - There is a plugin that makes certain blocks creeper eggable even while they are submerged in water. For example, spawners are not protected by water and neither are chests.
- Auto Cannon Destroyer - There is a plugin that will automatically destroy most of the Cannon when it is no longer raid claimed or counter claimed. This was made to help enforce the rule where players must destroy the Cannon.
- Anti-Skidding Plugin - Redstone related blocks such as redstone dust, torches, and repeaters will be hidden to prevent players from stealing cannons from each other.
- Sand bots - These bots will place sand under brick blocks. Buy them in /shop. Use different types of bricks to get different types of blocks. Nether Bricks = Red Sand, Stone Bricks = Gravel.
- Anti Free-cam Plugin - Never worry about Factions free cam creeper egging or lavaing your cannons
- Sell Hoe Plugin - Get random rewards as you hit cane. As you are hitting cane, receive stored crops to upgrade the sell hoe via /upgrade. You can also spend stored crops on items in /upgrade.
- Anti Raid interference Plugin - Keeps the third party factions away while you attempt your enemies.
- Rocket - Consume a use to launch yourself into the air. Useful for jumping up and using a throwable creeper egg on spawners when breaching a faction. DISABLED
- Magnet Rod - Consume a use to hook a player with the magnet rod and right click to pull them in.
- Switcher Ball - Consume a use and hit a player with a projectile to swap places with them.
- Sand Tool - Right click on a sand block to destroy all sand below it. Left Click on a sand block to destroy all sand above it. Consumes a use upon destroying sand.
- Tray Tool - Consume a use to mine a 6x6 area of Netherrack or Dirt. It does not work to trench the Nether World as that is what the Burst enchant is for.
- Spawner Upgrader - Right click on a spawner to consume a use to upgrade a spawner to the level that is set on the item. Left click to change the preferred upgrade level on the rod.
- TnT Wand - Consume a use by right clicking on a chest to deposit TNT into your faction's TNT balance. Obtainable in VIP section or Misc section of the Shop.
- Throwable Creeper Egg - Consume a use by right clicking to throw a creeper egg that will explode on impact.
- Auto Sell Chest - Sells all the items inside of it every 6 seconds.
- Mob Collector - Automatically picks up and sells mob drops in the chunk that it is placed in. They are acquired through the in game shop in the Misc. Section. They may also be purchased in the store.
- Cannon Speed limit is maintained at ALL Y levels by fortified walls plugin.
- TNT is able to horizontally phase through a single slime block to allow cannons to easily Y adjust so players will not have to use cobwebs.
- Players are able to test their cannons on the Cannon server! Type /server cannon to join the Cannon server. Refer to the Cannon server wiki to learn how to paste in schematics etc.
- Obsidian has 6 durability
- Water speed is fast. It is slowed near explosions happening in base claims to allow anti-patches to work on raiding cannons. It is not slowed in raid claims or counter claims.
- Soup PvP is enabled. Krypton will no longer have soup PvP
- No Bow Boosting
- God Apple Cooldown is 3 minutes.
- Ender Pearl Cooldown is 13 seconds
- Max Protection IV, Max Sharpness V. There is a plugin that adjusts higher protection/sharpness enchantments to the max vanilla level, so they will not have a better effect.
- Custom Enchants obtained via /ce
- Faction Classes such as Bard class and Archer class.
- Pots/Soup may be purchased through the Potions section of /shop or by typing /pots to open the Potion Shop GUI. Gunpowder is not currently purchasable, so all splash pots must be purchased from the shop.
- Jelly Legs do not work while in combat
- Use /pfh to fix the item in your hand.
- /fix all cooldown is 1 hour. Rank required.
- Faction Wide Buffs through /f skills
- Equip Full Leather Armor to become the Archer Class
- Permanent Potion Effects for being an archer:
- Speed III
- Fire Resistance I
- Resistance II
- Permanent Potion Effects for being an archer:
- Archers can land shots with bows to archer tag enemies. Enemies who are archer tagged will take 25% increased damage.
- Energy Regeneration Rate is 2 energy per second.
- Archers can provide buffs for themselves through the use of items by right-clicking them which will consume the item and energy in order to activate the buff.
- Archer Buffs (right click effects):
- Iron Ingot - Resistance V - lasts 10 seconds
- Feather - Jump Boost V - lasts 5 seconds
- Sugar - Speed IV - lasts 10 seconds
- Iron Ingot - Resistance V - lasts 10 seconds
- Equip Full Iron Armor to become the Bard Class
- Permanent Potion Effects for being a bard:
- Speed II
- Regeneration I
- Resistance II
- Speed II
- Permanent Potion Effects for being a bard:
- Bards are able to provide buffs to their faction members and debuff those not in the faction.
- They provide these potion status effects through the use of certain items. By holding certain items in their hand, they provide vanilla level effects to their team. By using the items through consuming them with a right-click, they are able to provide stronger buffs at the cost of energy.
- Energy Regeneration Rate is 2 energy per second.
- Bard Effect Radius is 20 blocks
- Bard Buffs with Items:
- Blaze Powder - Provides Strength II (holding), Strength III (use)
- Ghast Tear - Provides Regeneration I (holding), Regeneration III (use)
- Magma Cream - Provides Fire Resistance (holding)
- Sugar - Provides Speed II (holding), Speed III (use, 30 energy)
- Iron - Provides Resistance I (holding), Resistance IV (use)
- Feather - Provides Jump Boost I (holding), Jump Boost V (use)
- Spider Eye (Server Mars only) - Debuffs enemies with the wither effect (use)
- Blaze Powder - Provides Strength II (holding), Strength III (use)
Resurrect has been removed on Diamond Armor since the Summer Map that began on June 27, 2020.
It will still function on leather and iron sets for Bard and Archer classes. There are a max of 6 enchants per piece.
- God Sword
- Wither Aspect III (legendary) - Chance to apply wither effect on hit
- Thor III (common) - Chance to have lightning strike enemies on hit
- Poison Tipped III (legendary) - Chance to poison enemies on hit
- Blackout II (legendary) - Chance to blind enemies on hit. Only Blackout I is obtainable from /ce. Blackout 2 is obtained through kits and supply crate drops.
- Concussive Blow III (legendary)- Chance to give nausea to enemies on hit
- Bounty Hunter IV (common) - Chance to behead enemies on kill. Max is 3 from /ce.
- Wither Aspect III (legendary) - Chance to apply wither effect on hit
- God Helmet
- Scuba Diver (common) - Water Breathing (resurrect doesn't work)
- Bloom I (legendary) - Extra health (half a heart)
- Recall III (legendary) - Chance to repair armor
- Vision I (uncommon) - Immunity to Blackout
- Guard I (uncommon) - Immunity to Wither Aspect
- Replenish I (legendary) - No hunger loss
- Scuba Diver (common) - Water Breathing (resurrect doesn't work)
- God Chestplate
- Rage II (legendary) - Permanent Strength 2 (only needed on Boots or Chestplate)
- Bloom I (legendary) - Extra health (1 heart)
- Recall III (legendary) - Chance to repair armor
- Barrier I (uncommon) - Immunity to Concussive Blow
- Human Torch I (uncommon) - Fire resistance
- Night Owl I (legendary) - Resistance I when in game time is between 6 pm - 6 am.
- God Leggings
- Hound III (rare) - Chance for hounds to appear when hit
- Bloom I (legendary) - Extra health (1 heart)
- Recall III (legendary) - Chance to repair armor
- Pace I (uncommon) - Immune to all slowness effects like slow pots and blizzard
- Blizzard III (legendary) - Chance to slow enemies when hit
- Rejuvenate I (legendary) - Regeneration I
- Hound III (rare) - Chance for hounds to appear when hit
- God Boots
- Bloom I (legendary) - Extra health (half a heart)
- Recall III (legendary) - Chance to repair armor
- Cure I (uncommon) - Immunity to Poison Tipped Effect
- Rage II (legendary) - Permanent Strength 2 (only needed on Boots or Chestplate)
- Flash II (legendary) - Permanent Speed 2
- Bloom I (legendary) - Extra health (half a heart)
Every piece is limited to a maximum of 3 enchants on Factions Krypton.
- God Sword
- Bounty Hunter IV - Chance to drop a player's head upon killing them
- God Helmet
- Scuba Diver I - Water Breathing
- Replenish I - No Hunger Loss
- Bloom I - Extra Health
- Scuba Diver I - Water Breathing
- God Chestplate
- Night Owl I - Resistance I when in game time is between 6 pm - 6 am.
- Human Torch I - Permanent Fire Resistance
- Bloom I - Extra Health
- Night Owl I - Resistance I when in game time is between 6 pm - 6 am.
- God Leggings
- Rejuvenate I - Permanent Regeneration I
- Bloom I - Extra Health
- God Boots
- Flash II - Permanent Speed II
- Rage II - Permanent Strength II
- Bloom I - Extra Health
- Flash II - Permanent Speed II
- Grinding Sword
- Yield III - Increases EXP gained from mobs.
- EXP Extract - Collects XP on kill
- Yield III - Increases EXP gained from mobs.
- Pickaxe
- ObbyHaste - Instantly Breaks Obsidian
- Tunneler - Breaks a 2x1 area (a tunnel), useful for mining counter holes
- Ender Pearls are disabled in Darkzone
- Most commands can not be used in Darkzone.
- You can use /sell hand in Darkzone.
- Castle is located inside Darkzone. Contest Castle for faction wide buffs. Stand on the capture point in the middle of castle to begin to capture castle for your faction
- Multiple Faction Members capping castle will allow your Faction to capture castle faster
- Type /castle to open a GUI that shows who currently controls castle
- Type /warp darkzone to warp to the Darkzone
- Current Castle Faction Buffs:
- 25% Sell Boost
- 5% Shard Key Drop Rate Increase
- 1.5x EXP Boost
- $500,000 * amount of online members every 15 minutes that you hold castle.
- The first half-hour of the map is considered Start of the World and will lead to certain effects being given to players to even the playing field of securing corners
- All players will have Speed 2 and No Hunger Loss.
- Certain projectiles are disabled.
- Flying is disabled
- Ender Pearls are disabled
- Claim clicking on /f map is disabled.
Printer allows players to quickly place blocks while in printer mode in layouts called schematics. In order to use printer, you must have a mod called Schematica.
- There are two types of printer on MineHeroes Factions. They are called Creative printer and Survival printer.
- To be able to use printer, you must have a mod installed called Schematica.
- To enable printer, you may use /printer and click on the GUI options for the respective printer options. You may also type /sprinter or /cprinter to enable the respective types of printer.
- Creative Printer does not require your inventory to be empty.
- Survival Printer requires players to first buy the blocks that they wish to place. Then, the blocks will continuously be bought as they are placed.
- Bricks are used on Factions/Cannon server to determine where Sand Bots place sand. Sand Bots will place sand under Brick Blocks.
- Sand Bots can now place sand under bricks up to 8 blocks away from the block the sand bot is standing on.
- On Factions, sand bots may be purchased through /shop. They are in the Misc section of the shop.
- Type /f sandbots to view where the sand bots are located. The GUI also allows those with permission in the faction to remove every single sand bot that is placed by clicking the sand bot they want removed or the remove all button in the GUI.
- Factions may only have a maximum of 10 sand bots placed at a time.
- Sand Bots can place under Bricks, Nether Bricks and Stone Bricks. This is to allow them to drop Sand, Red Sand, or Gravel.
- Sand Bot Placement Method (Sand Bots Place Under Bricks):
- Type /genbucket or /gb to open the genbucket GUI.
- To get gen-blocks, purchase them in the second row by left clicking on them. Upon purchasing a gen-block, you can select the type of gen-block by holding the gen-block in your hand AND typing /gb again to select gen-bucket settings for the block in your hand.
- Upon selection of the gen-bucket settings you wish to use, the gen-block will change to the block type you selected.
- You may now gen using the gen-block by holding it in your hand and right clicking where you wish to begin genning using the settings on the block.
- Remember that you can print in gen-blocks to get Cannon boxes up faster or to finish your base quickly.
- The old gen-bucket lava bucket functionality remains available.
- The genbucket GUI opened by typing /gb:
- There are special types of claims called raid claims / counter claims. Raid Claims must be used from the moment players begin to set up a Cannon box to raid a faction. Counter Claims must be used the moment players begin to set up a side counter.
- Each Faction has a maximum of 1 raid claim and 1 counter claim to use.
- Type /f raid claim to make a raid claim.
- Type /f raid unclaim to unclaim your raid claims.
- Type /f counter claim to make a counter claim.
- Type /f counter unclaim to unclaim your counter claim.
- To fill cannons, use the command /tntfill
- /tntfill auto (radius) will spread TNT evenly between the dispensers in the radius. It will stop when your faction's TNT balance runs out or if all the dispensers in the radius are maxed out.
- /tntfill limit (amount of tnt) (radius) will fill dispensers within the radius with the specified amount of TNT. It will stop when TNT balance runs out or once the dispensers are filled with the specified amount of TNT.
- Type /unfill (radius) to unfill dispensers. The TNT will go to your faction's TNT balance.
- The current max radius is 30 blocks.
- Use the /droptools GUI to prevent yourself from dropping items such as swords and hoes. For the many players who tend to drop their maxed out sell hoes and god swords at spawn. F
- Players may also use /df if they want to prevent themselves from dropping items that are not on the GUI
- Use /if to prevent yourself from picking up items that are filtered. This is useful for things such as your hot bar filling up with sand while you are at a raid. Simply add sand to the filter to prevent this.
- Use /f ninja or /f stealth to toggle disabling nearby enemies' fly.
- Use /toggles or /settings to toggle useful things such as Spawner FPS Improvement
- Type /graceperiod to display the remaining time until TNT enables
- Type /top to teleport to the highest block above your head.
- Type /minechat to be able to type properly on your console clients
- Type [item] in public chat to display the item you are holding in public chat.
- Type /f tc to toggle public chat on/off. Useful to get rid of the public chat clutter.
- Type /crates to use keys such as vote keys without going to spawn.
- Upon being disqualified, faction members that are in the disqualified faction will not be allowed to leave their faction until the points reset on Saturday. Disqualified factions are also not allowed to disband.
- Disqualified Factions will not be able to use TNT at all. They may only patch in an attempt to save their base.
- You may see disqualified factions on F-TOP because their name is crossed out on their F-TOP page
- By mousing over a disqualified faction's name on their f-top page, you can see the reason why they were disqualified.
- Factions are disqualified upon reaching the required amount of warning points which is currently 8 as of the June 27 reset.
- Faction Upgrades
- Type /f upgrades to access the faction upgrades menu
- Possible Upgrades:
- Faction Power - Increases total faction power
- Potion Effects - Provides Haste and Speed Effects in your claims
- XP Boost - Increases dropped XP in your claims
- Unbreakable Redstone - Prevents water from breaking redstone
- Faction Vault - Increases size of the faction vault
- Faction Warps - Increases the amount of faction warps - Max Warps = 15
- Kill More Merged Mobs - Chance to kill 1-2 more mobs with one swing - Costs 1 Challenge Point per level - Max Level 5/5 = 100% chance
- Permanent Depth Strider - Depth Strider III is provided to every member everywhere - Costs 3 Challenge Points
- Faction Power - Increases total faction power
- Faction Challenges
- Type /f challenges or /c to access your faction's challenges
- These are 5 daily challenges that can earn your faction up to 2 challenge points upon completion of all of the challenges. Factions receive 1 point for the first 3 challenges and 1 point for the last 2 challenges.
- Challenge points can also be obtained by winning KOTH.
- Spend your challenge points on a variety of things such as Faction Skills, Faction Upgrades, or the Faction Challenge Shop
- Type /f challengeshop or /f shop to open the faction challenge shop.
Faction Shield
- A faction shield is the duration of time where the base that has the faction's worth is protected from explosion damage.
- The duration of the shield varies between maps. Refer to the reset post of the map for the shield duration.
- You may check a faction's shield time by typing /f who (factionname).
- Factions may raid while they are on shield. Buffer Counters will not work on shield. Factions on shield may still use side counters to counter factions that are setting up cannons. Remember that side counters must be setup with /f counter claim.
- Factions will get a temporary shield when an enemy faction stops shooting at their base for 15 minutes.
- During this grace period, Factions will be able to use gen-buckets to repair their base.
- Factions are not allowed to be harassed while they are on this temporary shield.
- You can check the remaining time of the temporary shield by typing /f who (factionname). It will be on the line called Grace:
Faction Rosters
Rosters are limited to a set number of players per faction for the entire duration of TNT. Factions should have planned out their TNT roster during the grace period. Factions will begin with a set number of invites at the start of the TNT week. The faction size and the faction roster size for both Servers are listed in the server information section of the wiki above. There is a maximum of 100 faction alt spots. Bypassing this in any way will result in punishment.
Use the /f roster command to view your current Faction Roster
Faction Top System
- F-TOP is decided by the Total Worth of your faction.
- Check what gives your faction value through /f topvalues
- Hover over a faction name after typing /f top to see their value.
- Faction Warning Points will reduce a faction's total worth by 10% for each warning point.
- Players may check custom drops of mobs with /mobdrops
- Players are able to tell which spawners are upgradable with /mobdrops
- Use creepers for TNT drops and silverfish for money.
You can obtain MobCoins by killing mobs manually or by placing a Mob Slayer. You can spend the mob coins in the Mob Coin Shop. You may also spend them on the Mob Coin Spin at spawn.
MobCoin Commands (/mobcoin or /mc)
- /mobcoin balance - Check how many MobCoins you have
- /mobcoin pay (name) (amount) - Send someone some of your mobcoins
- /mobcoin upgrade - Open the upgrade menu to increase the number of mobcoins you get from various mobs per kill!
- /mobcoin rewards - Check the rewards of the mob coin spin
- /mobcoin shop - Buy items from the MobCoin shop using MobCoins!
Faction Inspect (/f inspect)
You can keep track of what is going on in your faction claims. This is very useful if you believe you are being insided or betrayed. Use the command /f inspect (page) to check recent changes/interactions made to blocks/chests in your claims. Use /f inspect to toggle it from the menu as shown here and then right click any blocks you want to inspect with your fist:
You can check for blocks broken and who took items out or put items into chests.
Not every block is logged, only valuable and base building blocks.
- Check who recently deposited/withdrew money from the Faction Bank
- Check who recently used a chunk buster
- Check who recently created a warp
- Check who recently deleted a warp
- Check who recently bought from the Faction Challenge Shop
- Check who recently invited someone to the faction
- Check who recently filled dispensers
- Check who recently unfilled dispensers
- Check who recently put items into the Faction Vault
- Check who recently withdrew items from the Faction Vault
- Check who recently spawned a boss
MineHeroes Anti-Cheat:
- Automatic bans by the MineHeroes Anti-Cheat system will be announced in chat
- Cane rate enhancement mods blocked.
- Players are scanned using the Paladin Scanning Tool found at http://dl.pld.ac/
- This is a concept that encourages players to race around the map during SOTW and unlock AWESOME new items. When the server resets there will be enderchests scattered around the worlds (Overworld, Moon, Mars, End, Nether, Pluto) containing new Heroic Items! These are super OP items that you can take advantage of such as Burst 5 (11x11 mining pickaxe), Unbreaking 6 Armor and more!
- Holding these items will give you the Ultimate advantage however, players will be able to track the location of Heroic Items with the command /heroicitems even if they are hidden away in chests or the player is offline.
- This will encourage others to hunt down the player holding the heroic item. Heroic Items cannot be stored in enderchests, player vaults, or /bin.
Unlock Faction Skills with Faction Challenge Points to give Faction Wide Buffs
- Faction Skills
- Blessing - Grants 5 minutes of Absorption III to Faction Members. Costs 1 Challenge Point to Unlock. 10 Minute Cooldown
- Warcry - Grants 15 seconds of Strength III to Faction Members. Costs 1 Challenge Point to Unlock. 10 Minute Cooldown
- Resilience - Grants 10 seconds of Resistance III to Faction Members. Costs 1 Challenge Point to Unlock. 10 Minute Cooldown
- Recovery - Grants 10 seconds of Regeneration III to Faction Members. Costs 1 Challenge Point to Unlock. 10 Minute Cooldown
- Merchant - Grants a 20% sell boost to Faction Members for 1 hour. Costs 3 Challenge Points to Unlock. 5 hours Cooldown
- Trainer - Increases mcMMO XP gained by 15% for Faction Members for 1 hour. Costs 3 Challenge Points to Unlock. 5 hours Cooldown
- Grinder - Increases XP gained by 25% for Faction Members for 1 hour. Costs 3 challenge points to Unlock. 5 hours Cooldown.
- Retreat - Grants 5 seconds of Speed III to Faction Members. Costs 3 Challenge Points. 20 minutes Cooldown.
- To open the Custom Enchants menu use /enchanter or the NPC at /spawn. To view a list of enchants and their descriptions, type: /enchants (or /ce.) A GUI will pop up;
- To apply an enchantment book to a tool or weapon. Right Click with the enchantment book in your hand to open the custom anvil GUI and place the tool/weapon inside the left most slot. The result of the enchant will be shown in the right most slot.
- There is a maximum of 6 enchants that may be applied to each item on Faction Mars. The maximum is 2 on Factions Krypton.
- The ideal enchant layout for God Sets on both realms can be found in the Factions Basics spoiler above under the PvP section located above. Click the spoiler to expand it.
- Unwanted Custom Enchants may be exchanged through the Salvage Enchants part of the /ce GUI to get part of the experience back that was spent
- God Set + God Sword Kit In Store
- Sell items to other players through a virtual auction house
- Access the ah by typing /ah
- Sell items by typing /ah sell (amount)
- McMMO is disabled for PvP, but enabled for PvE.
- Obtain McMMO credits from:
- Vote crates (/crates)
- /token shop
- Rank /reclaims
- Use the command /redeem (skill) (amount) to apply credits to a skill
- The command /credits shows the amount of points you have available to redeem (Sending credits to other players has been disabled.)
- Use the command /mcstats to view your McMMO Stats
- The command /mctop displays the top 10 players with the highest McMMO “power level” (The total of all McMMO skill levels)
- MineHeroes uses a virtual shop accessed by typing /shop or by left clicking the NPC at spawn
- Items are sorted into categories
- Left click to buy; Right Click to sell
- As a donator your able to bulk buy 64 of a item by shift-clicking
This is a mini event within Factions where factions battle against other factions to take control of a capture zone for 5 minutes and in return receive 3 Event Crate Keys and 2 Faction Challenge Points for their Faction:
- KOTHs are scheduled to run 4 times everyday outside of spawn. Use /koth schedule list to view the times in EST. The current times are:
- North KOTH - 10 PM EST
- East KOTH - 10 AM EST
- South KOTH - 2 PM EST
- West KOTH - 6 PM EST
- There is faction claim called KOTH which disables teleporting into KOTH and setting Home in it. It also prevents the Knockback enchant from being used.
- There is a KOTH death timer that prevents players from entering KOTH if they die within the KOTH claims.
- KOTH is capped by a single person
This is a mini event where players fight against each other in the LMS Arena. The Last Man Standing will win 3 event crate keys.
- LMS is scheduled to run twice everyday. The current times LMS runs at are:
- 12:42 AM and 12:42 PM EST
- Teaming in LMS WILL result in a ban from all future LMS events.
The LMS Inventory:
This is a mini event where factions attempt to raid bases that are generated within the Raid Event World. The first faction to breach the Raid Event Base will get to loot the base.
- There are a total of 5 Raid Event Bases that are generated in the world. There is one in each corner of the Raid Event World and the fifth one is in the middle of the world. Each corner base has about 20 chunks of straights and 10 chunks of wraps. The claim size of the corner bases are 23x23.
- Raid Event is scheduled to happen weekly. It will be hosted on Sundays at 4 pm EST on both realms unless otherwise stated.
- Dispensers automatically dispense TNT upon being powered in this world. There is no need to fill the dispensers with TNT.
- When a faction breaches a base, their faction will have loot protection to prevent other factions from leeching.
- At the top floor of each Raid Event Base, there is an Ender Chest that can be creeper egged for lucrative rewards such as large amounts of spawners and Rank Crystals.
- Players may also find Gems, Spawners, Global Sell Boosts and more within the other floors of the Raid Event base inside of the chests.
- Raid Event ends an hour after the last Raid Event Base has been breached.
- PvP is disabled in the Raid Event Base Claims
- Factions do not have to use raid claims in order to participate in this event.
- Raiding Rules do not apply in the Raid Event world.
This is a mini event where players go on a hunt for spawners. The spawners will spawn somewhere randomly in the wilderness and they are spread out between every world besides the Main World.
- Type /sh to check if there is a currently running spawner hunt. If there is a spawner hunt that is running, players may type /sh (page number) to check where the spawners are located.
- When players locate a spawner, they will need a silk touch pickaxe to mine it. Remember to always have an empty slot in your inventory.
- All spawners obtained from the spawner hunt are fully upgraded versions of the spawner.
This is a mini event where 20 chests with loot will be spread throughout the Warzone right outside of spawn.
- Type /sct to find out when the next set of supply crates will spawn in.
- Supply Crates may also be started at any time with a Supply Crate Starter which can be obtained from Raid Event Bases or from the Token Shop.
This is a mini event where players may go to /warp boss to fight a Wither Boss for rewards.
- Type /boss rewards to check the current rewards for the Wither Boss
- Type /events and click on Boss Battles to see when the next Boss Battle is
- To get rewards from the boss, you must be within the top 10 highest contribution scores.
- There will be an announcement in chat when boss battles are going to happen.
This is a staff announced PvP event that occurs during grace period where factions must capture control points spread around warzone.
- In order for a faction to win, they must hold the control points long enough to become the first faction to reach a set amount of points.
- To capture the control points, simply stand in the designated area for each control point. If the point is contested, the faction with the most amount of members on the capture area will begin to take the point.
- If the point is already captured, factions will have to neutralize the point first and then they will be able to capture it for themselves.
- During the event, the chat will periodically post updates on the points so factions will be able to determine who is leading in points.
- The event ends when it is announced in chat and the reward will be handed out by Administrators.
Economy:- The Factions economy is focused on sugarcane farming and spawner grinding.
- There is an upgradeable custom item called a Sell Hoe that will allow players to auto-sell crops that are harvested with it.
- Sell Hoes can be obtained by using the daily kit or the starter kit you spawn with upon your first time logging in. /kit daily to obtain kit daily
- Type /upgrade with a Sell Hoe in your hand in order to upgrade it
- Each upgrade costs a certain amount of stored crops. Stored crops are obtained by simply harvesting crops using the Sell Hoe
- Harvester - Harvests a 3x3 Area - Costs 200,000 Stored Crops (Max level 1)
- Farmer - Increases the chance/amount of crops you can get per yield (Max level 100)
- Scavenger - Chance to obtain a Shard Key - Costs 10,000 Stored Crops per level. (Max Level 100)
Example of a maxed Sell Hoe
- Harvester - Harvests a 3x3 Area - Costs 200,000 Stored Crops (Max level 1)
- Sell Hoes can be obtained by using the daily kit or the starter kit you spawn with upon your first time logging in. /kit daily to obtain kit daily
- When raid claims or counter claims are unclaimed, Cannon related blocks will be deleted after a few minutes.
- When a faction is being raided, non raiding faction members may no longer enter their claims. No longer will people have to worry about leechers or factions allying on walls.
- Factions who are disqualified can no longer access /f tnt or use /tntfill.
- Players who are in disqualified factions may not leave their faction until the F-TOP is taken. (Saturday 4 PM EST) Choose your Faction wisely.
- Multiple factions can no longer shoot at a single faction that has a raid timer going. Only the faction that acquires the raiding timer is able to shoot.
- Factions must raid using /f raid claim and must side counter with /f counter claim.
- Harvester upgrade no longer breaks the bottom piece of cane.
- Sand Bots will now print under Brick Blocks instead of using their previous placement method.
- Kill Shot Event - New Daily Event - Participate by typing /join - First to 50 kills or 20 minutes passing will end the event - Top 5 players will be rewarded
- Weekend Tournaments - Beginning at Friday 4 PM EST and end on Sunday at 4 PM EST.
- Server Auction House - Every hour there is an item players may bid on. Use /sah to open the Auction menu and bid on items. There is an anti-snipe feature to prevent abuse.
- Pistons cannot push blocks outside of the border anymore to prevent shooting on border.
- Faction Shields may now also be set at any time of the day.
- Mob Collectors have been added. They collect and sell mob drops. They do not store TNT, so you will still need a hopper floor for creepers. You may obtain them in-game via /shop or you may purchase them through the store.
- You can now use /sell hand in Dark Zone.
- Both Realms now have Cane Chunks! Cane chunks are chunks that are loaded during grace so that factions may load cane farms without the use of alt accounts. Use /f cane <claim | unclaim | unclaimall | view > <# | player>. Ex. /f cane view BINGBONGYOURGONE is now the command to view a player's cane. Use /f cane claim (radius) to claim an area. There is a maximum of 300 cane chunks per faction.
- All support is officially handled through forum support tickets. https://www.mineheroes.net/forums/#staff-support.14
- Quick questions may be sent to the Factions Admin, BINGBONGYOURGONE via Discord. His discord tag is PBJT#1337.
- Please do not spam the staff. It is only necessary to have one person ask a question or do a report.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM