MineHeroes Cosmetics
Last updated: 27th of December, 2018
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Cosmetics can be purchased from the MineHeroes Store.
- Access the GUI by typing /pets ingame.
- Currently, Pets are only enabled on Creative and hub Servers. - Pig
- Baby Pig
- Cow
- Baby Cow
- Sheep
- Baby Sheep
- Rabbit
- Baby Rabbit
- Mooshroom
- Baby Mooshroom
- Ocelot
- Baby Ocelot
- Wolf
- Baby Wolf
- Chicken
- Baby Chicken
- Wither
- Baby Wither
- Zombie
- Baby Zombie
- Spider
- Baby Spider
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Bat
- Blaze
- Enderman
- Horse
- Slime
- Snowman
- Squid
- Witch
- Iron Golem
- Access the GUI by typing /particles ingame.
- Particle Effects are currently enabled on PvP server, Creative and the hubs.- Rain Cloud
- Snow Cloud
- Blood Helix
- Frost Lord
- Enchanted
- Angel Wings
- Superhero
- Crits
- Fire Trail
- Fourth of July
- Green Thumb
- Halloween
- Hearts
- Lava
- Magical Glyphs
- Magic Trail
- Music Notes
- Rainbow
- Snowflakes
- Water Trail
- Flame Rings (SUPREME rank exclusive)
-Access GUI by typing /titles ingame.
-TItles are global- 2016
- I ❤ MH
- Da Real MVP
- Bruh
- Deez Nuts
- For The Vine
- ProMiner
- ProBuilder
- ProPvper
- [Baller]
- [REKT]
- [1337]
- ❤ BAE ❤
- #BlameWazez
- #BlameDevs
- 2017
- 2018
- NetNeutrality
- ♕ Queen ♕
- ♔ King ♔
- 2018 (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during January 2018)
- MHAddict
- Hype
- Explorer
- ♚ Princess ♚
- ♛ Prince ♛
- ❤ Angelic ❤ (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Batman (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Superman (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- ♫ Music ♫ (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- oof (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Triggered (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Villain (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Salty (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- YaYEET (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Flawless (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Senpai (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- Kohai (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- JOKER (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- KnowsDaWae (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- ☢ Toxic ☢ (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- $ MoneyMaker $ (Exclusive to The Haphazards Titles Pack)
- LIGMA (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during July 2018)
- [ON POINT] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- [TEAM KSI] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- [TEAM DEJI] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- [CHAMPION] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- [TEAM PAUL] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- [TEAM POOL] (Exclusive Cosmetic: Only available during August 2018)
- Events
- [BuildContest Winner] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning a build contest)
- [UHC Winner] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning a UHC match)
- [Artist] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning an Art Contest)
- XMAS (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained by finding it in the hub)
- [TopIsland] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning the Top Island tournament)
- [TopWorker] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning the Top Jobs tournament)
- [TopKDR] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning the Top KDR OPPvP tournament)
- [TopFaction] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning the Top Faction tournament)
- [TopOPFaction] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning the Top OPFaction tournament)
- Easter (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained by finding all Easter Eggs)
- [Prestige] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained by prestiging on Prison)
- [ Casper ] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained by finding all pumpkins in the hub)
- [TOP RANK SMP] (Limited Edition Tag: Unlocked when reaching the highest rank on Survival)
- [TOP RANK SB] (Limited Edition Tag: Unlocked when reaching the highest rank on Skyblock)
- [Writer] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from winning a Writing Contest)
- Christmas2017 (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained from the Christmas present hunt)
- Trusted (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 100 /trade (es) in-game)
- Gambler (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 100 /coinflip (s) in-game)
- FactionsOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on Factions)
- PrisonOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on Prison)
- SkyblockOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on Skyblock)
- OPSkyBlockOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on OPSkyBlock)
- OPFactionsOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on OPFactions)
- SurvivalOG (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked after 30 days of playtime on Survival)
- Husband (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked when a player /marry (ies) someone on Creative)
- Wife (Exclusive Cosmetic: Unlocked when a player /marry (ies) someone on Creative)
- Seasonal
- [ SUMMER ] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained at in the SUMMER pack)
- ❤ Valentines ❤ (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained at in the VALENTINE pack)
- [ Happy Easter ] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained at in the EASTER pack)
- [4thofJuly] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained during the 4th of July)
- Halloween2017 (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained at in the Halloween GKit during 2017)
- [LITMAS] (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained through the Winter Crate)
- MINEMAS (Limited Edition Tag: can only be obtained through with the Christmas Day Special)
- Exclusive
- [YouTuber] (Exclusive Tag: Requires 1,000 YT Subscribers, apply in-game with /apply)
- [Streamer] (Exclusive Tag: Requires 500 Twitch followers, apply in-game with /apply)
- [P2W] (Exclusive tag: Obtained at with the Supreme rank)
- Access the GUI by typing /emotes ingame.
- Emotes are currently enabled on Creative and hub Servers.- Cry
- Surprised
- DealWithIt
- Cheeky
- Angry
- Wink
- Happy
- Love
- Cool
- Access the GUI by typing /suits ingame.
- Suits can currently be accessed on Creative.- Astronaut
- Rave
- Diamond
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Green
- Pink
- Black
- Access the GUI by typing /hats ingame.
- Hats are currently enabled on all hubs, aswell as the Creative server.- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Astronaut
- Music
- Squid
- Chicken
- Pig
- Blaze
- Sheep
- Golem
- Enderman
- Mario
- Luigi
- Batman
- Skull
- Ghost
- Creeper
- Jack o Lantern
- Scary Clown
- Snowman
- Santa
- /disguise - See what you can disguise into
- /disguise (name) - Disguise into an entity/mob you have access to
- /disguise (name) (baby) - Disguise into the baby version of the entity/mob you have access to.
- /undisguise - Undisguise
- Baby Trouble | Disguises
- Baby Villager
- Baby Zombie
- Baby Wolf
- Baby Squid
- Baby Endermite
- Baby Silverfish
- Barn Yard | Disguises
- Pig
- Cow
- Sheep
- Chicken
- Horse
- Doom Squad | Disguises
- Blaze
- Enderman
- Creeper
- Witch
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- [NEW] Mythical | Disguises
- Bat
- Zombie Villager (Zombie_Villager)
- ZombiePigman (Pig_Zombie)
- Guardian
- IronGolem
- Pig
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM